Transition to School Group
This small weekly group is facilitated by an Educator and is for children who will commence school the following year. This group targets fine motor skills including pre-writing and cutting skills, sitting at the table to increase attention to table top activities, and following group instructions.
Our Educators will then support the family to ensure a smooth transition to school.
My Time
Its’ support for you! My Time is an opportunity for all parents/carers of children with developmental delays and/or disabilities to come together to socialise, discuss, get information and to support and be supported by other parents/carers. Your child does not need a diagnosis to come along. If your child is at school you can come along as well.
2024 - Friday 10.30pm - 12.00 pm Term 3 - August 2 - Sept 27
Cost : Free for participants, fully funded through Playgroup NSW.
Is there childcare?
You can bring your pre-school age children and there will be an opportunity for them to engage with a My Time play helper while you unwind and relax.
What will happen while I am at My Time…
It is up to the group what they want to happen in the group time. Coffee and a chat, facilitated talk from a guest speaker, well being activities or facilitator providing local resources and support information. For more information call 6882 0599
MyTime registration - MyTime Family Registration Form (
Secret Agents Society (SAS)
This group program is evidence based for children 8-12 years of age with a range of social and emotional challenges. It builds their capacity in many areas including:
recognising emotions in themselves and others
understanding levels of friendship
detecting the difference between accidents, jokes and nasty deeds
detecting and managing bullying.
This group is run on a needs basis.
Zones of Emotional Regulation
The Zones program is used to teach self-regulation strategies to students to encourage them to become more independent in controlling their emotions, and meeting their sensory needs. It categorizes emotions and feelings into four coloured zones; blue, green, yellow and red, and discusses how the child can use tools within their environments to regulate themselves. This program is run by Occupational Therapists on a needs basis and often will occur with another peer.
After School Sports Group
This group focuses on increasing the child’s ability to play common school yard games, as well as provide them with the skills to participate within community sporting clubs. Examples of activities include; handball, riding scooters, tee-ball, stuck in the mud and soccer. Additionally, gross motor and social skills are targeted, including hand-eye coordination and balance, turn taking and waiting.
After School Sports Group is conducted within the community when possible. This group is run on a needs basis.
Parent Education/Training
Staff facilitate specific parent information and education sessions on a needs basis. These sessions aim to empower and upskill our families to feel confident to implement strategies within their home environment. Topics can include toileting, feeding and transition to school.